#3 画家 浅野真一

画家と話す  01:「絵の中の形」



Talk with Painter 01 : Shapes in the picture

Your “normal” might waver by seeing something unpredictable and unthinkable.

画家と話す 02:「空間を描く」

効率を求められる時代に、時間をかける面白さがみえてくるようにおもいます。 どうぞご覧ください。


Talk with Painter 02 : Painting the space

Even in a society where efficiency is most important, we might find something valuable and interesting in the process of taking time.

画家と話す 03:「モチーフ」

見るという行為は単純なようで、その中身は実に多様だと気づきます。 どうぞ、ご覧ください。


Talk with Painter 03 : Motifs

The practice of looking at something sounds quite simple, but you may realize that it has so many different aspects.

画家と話す 04:「私という現象」

見たものを描くというシンプルな行為ですが、浅野さんが何を思い、感じ、考えて描いているのか。人が絵を描く面白さ、絵を観る面白さの一面もみえてきます。 どうぞ、ご覧ください。


Talk with Painter 04 : The phenomenon called I

Painting objects you see itself is a simple act. Through this process, what does Mr. Asano think, feel and view? The film may give you an opportunity to have a glimpse of how interesting when people paint and when we see the works.

画家と話す 05:「描き直し」

多くの時間を費やしたものをやり直す。誰しもが躊躇すると思いますが、そこから見えてくるものがありました。 どうぞ、ご覧ください。


Talk with Painter 05 : Repainting

Most of us hesitate when starting over with the works we have spent a lot of time. Still, there was something we could discover in this process.

画家と話す 06:「空間の記憶」




Talk with Painter 06 : Spatial memory

What is reason why Mr.Asano's paintings look so attractive? It is a video that understands part of the reason.







Talk with Painter 07 : Solo Exhibition

This is the installation and display of Mr. Asano's solo exhibition "Desktop Celestial Objects" held from November 22nd to December 8th, 2019. It is a video that you can see the conversation and the artist's way of thinking that can be seen from there.

Please take a look.

ALL IS YOUR LIFE の第3回目は画家の浅野真一さんです。


The third series of “ALL IS YOUR LIFE” picks up a painter, Mr. Shinichi Asano.

His style could come under a genre of so-called still life painting, in which motifs are put together to paint pictures. This is just my impression, but his paintings have detailed depiction as well as unique fluctuation, light and color. They do not give the impression of “How about that?! Isn’t that amazing?!”, but we are fascinated by the works.

Since the production process for the solo exhibition in November 2019 till the first day of the exhibition, I have continued shooting while talking. I will introduce the various beauties that I found from there with short pieces.

浅野真一/Shinichi Asano

[ 略歴 ]
1982年 兵庫県西宮市生まれ


2007年 広島市立大学大学院油絵専攻修了
現在 京都市在住


[ Biography ]

1982 Born in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture

2005 Graduated from Kyoto University of the Arts, Western Painting Course

2007 Completed the Graduate School of Oil Painting, Hiroshima City University Currently living in Kyoto


2005年 ギャラリーマロニエ/京都

2009年 CUBIC GALLERY/大阪 ’10,’11,’13,’15

2011年 art space HAP/広島 

2016年 GALLERY恵風/京都 ’17 

2018年 サロンモザイク/大阪


■Solo Exhibitions

2005 Gallery Maronie / Kyoto

2009 CUBIC GALLERY / Osaka ‘10,’ 11, ’13, ’15

2011 art space HAP / Hiroshima

2016 GALLERY Keifu / Kyoto ‘17

2018 Salon Mosaic / Osaka


2011年 place and picture 広島、絵画、ギャラリー巡り/広島市内及び宮島のギャラリー

2013年 place and picture 京都・立誠小学校~教室に息づく絵画たち~/元立誠小学校/京都

2013年 第一回ホキ美術館大賞展/ホキ美術館/千葉

2014年 京都府美術工芸新鋭展/京都文化博物館/京都

2017年 Kyoto Art for Tomorrow-京都府新鋭選抜展2017


■Group exhibitions at a glance

2011 place and picture Hiroshima, painting, gallery tour / gallery in Hiroshima city and Miyajima

2013 place and picture Kyoto Rissei Elementary School ~ Paintings in the classroom ~ / Former Rissei Elementary School / Kyoto

2013 1st Hoki Museum Grand Prize Exhibition / Hoki Museum / Chiba

2014 Kyoto Prefectural Arts and Crafts New Exhibition / Museum of Kyoto / Kyoto


2013年 第30回記念FUKUIサムホール美術展/福井新聞社賞 

2013年 第三回リアリズム大賞展/シード賞


■Award history

2013 30th Anniversary FUKUI Sam Hall Art Exhibition / Fukui Shinbun Award

2013 3rd Realism Award Exhibition / Seed Award



This is the first of a special series by painter Mr. Shinichi Asano.

Talk with Painter extra 01 :  New Ideas

How does Mr. Asano come up with ideas and complete painting?

We interviewed Mr. Asano, who is currently working on his solo exhibition in the spring of 2023.


※ 特別シリーズは2本構成になっています。



* The special series consists of 2 pieces.

The second movie will be available only to Patreon members, so if you would like to see it,

please become a member and support us.


Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ja-JP